Source code for pandas_metricsreader.graphite.graphite

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

""" A class to get Data from Graphite """

from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import

import urlparse

from pandas import read_csv, MultiIndex, concat, DataFrame, to_datetime
from pandas.compat import StringIO, string_types

from ..BaseReader import BaseReader, MetricsReaderError
from .metricsAPI import GraphiteMetricsAPI

[docs]class GraphiteReader(BaseReader): """ Creates a GraphiteDataReader object, which you can use to read different metrics in a pandas DataFrame Arguments: url (str): the base url to the Graphite host tls_verify (str or bool, optional): enable or disable certificate validation. You can als specify the path to a certificate or a directory, which must have been processed using the c_rehash utily supplied with OppenSSL. The default is the standard linux certificate trust store (/etc/ssl/certs) session (:py:obj:`requests.Session`, optional): a :py:class:`requests.Session` object (default None) timeout (float or tuple, optional): the connect and read timeouts (see the requests documentation under `Timeouts`_ for details) .. _Timeouts: """ def __init__(self, url, tls_verify='/etc/ssl/certs/', session=None, timeout=30., ): self._format = 'json' self._render_api = '/render' self._base_tz = 'UTC' super(GraphiteReader, self).__init__( url=url, tls_verify=tls_verify, session=session, timeout=timeout, ) self.metrics = GraphiteMetricsAPI( url=url, tls_verify=tls_verify, session=session, timeout=timeout, )
[docs] def read(self, targets, start=None, end=None, create_multiindex=True, remove_redundant_indices=True, ): """ read the data from Graphite Arguments: targets (str or list[str] or dict): the metrics you want to look up start (str, optional): the starting date timestamp. All Graphite datestrings are allowed (see Graphite documentation under `from-until <>`_ for details) end (str, optional): the ending date timestamp, same as start date create_multiindex (bool, optional): split the metrics names and create a hierarchical Index. remove_redundant_indices (bool, optional): Remove all redundant rows from the hierarchical Index. This does only have an affect, if you have more then one metric and if `create_multiindex` is set to True. returns: a pandas DataFrame with the requested Data from Graphite """ # sanity checks if not self.url: raise MetricsReaderError('No URL specified') else: url = urlparse.urljoin(self.url, self._render_api) if isinstance(targets, string_types): df = self._download_single_metric(url, targets, start, end) if create_multiindex: self._create_multiindex(df, remove_redundant_indices) elif isinstance(targets, list): dfs = [] for target in targets: dfs.append(self._download_single_metric(url, target, start, end)) df = concat(dfs, axis=1) if create_multiindex: self._create_multiindex(df, remove_redundant_indices) elif isinstance(targets, dict): dfs = {} for label, target in targets.items(): dfs[label] = self._download_single_metric(url, target, start, end) if create_multiindex: self._create_multiindex(dfs[label], remove_redundant_indices) df = concat(dfs, axis=1) else: raise TypeError('targets has to be of type str, list or dict') return df
[docs] def walk(self, top=None, start=None, end=None): """ Generate the target names in the Graphite target tree by walking the tree down. This creates a :func:`os.walk` like generator for the Graphite metrics. Arguments: top (str, optional): the target, where the walk starts (without a trailing asterisk) start (str, optional): the starting date timestamp. All Graphite datestrings are allowed (see Graphite documentation under `from-until <>`_ for details) end (str, optional): the ending date timestamp, same as start date Returns: a generator object, which yields a 3-tuple ``(targetname, non-leafs, leafs)`` for each metric. *targetname* is the current walk position in the target tree. *non-leafs* are all child targets of *targetname*, which do not contain any data. *leafs* are all child targets of *targetname*, which do hold data. Hence you can use the :func:`read` method to read data from all *leafs*. """ if top is None: path = '*' else: path = top.rstrip('.*') + '.*' metrics = self.metrics.find(path, start, end) leafs = set() internal_nodes = set() for metric in metrics: try: if metric['allowChildren'] == 1: internal_nodes.add(metric['id']) if metric['leaf'] == 1: leafs.add(metric['id']) except KeyError: raise MetricsReaderError('Unknown metrics format') yield (top.rstrip('.*'), list(internal_nodes), list(leafs)) for node in internal_nodes: for branch in self.walk(node, start, end): yield branch
def _download_single_metric(self, url, target, start, end): """ downloads of the specified target Args: url: string The Graphite render url target: string The metric you want do download start: string The start date (see the graphite documentation for possible values) end: string the end date (same as start) returns: a pandas.DataFrame or Panel """ params = { 'target': target, 'from': start, 'until': end, 'format': self._format, } r = self._get(url, params=params) if self._format == 'json': json_data = r.json() if not json_data: raise MetricsReaderError( 'Received empty dataset for target {target}'.format( target=target, ) ) # generator with dataframes for all returned metrics dfs = ( DataFrame( data['datapoints'], columns=[data['target'], 'datetime' ], ).set_index('datetime') for data in json_data ) df = concat(dfs, axis=1) # Parse the epoch datetime index and set the _base_tz timezone df.index = to_datetime( (df.index.values*1e9).astype(int) ).tz_localize(self._base_tz) return df if self._format == 'csv': if not r.text: raise MetricsReaderError( 'Received empty dataset for target {target}'.format( target=target, ) ) df = read_csv( StringIO(r.text), names=['metric', 'datetime', 'data'], parse_dates=['datetime'], index_col=['metric', 'datetime'], squeeze=False, ).unstack('metric')['data'] return df @staticmethod def _create_multiindex(DataFrame, remove_redundant_indices=False): """ Tries to find the field that differs in the DataFrame and remove all other column levels""" # split the metrics on a dot columns = [ column.split('.') for column in DataFrame.columns.values ] row_idx = [] # padding max_length = 0 for column in columns: max_length = max(max_length, len(column)) for column in columns: if len(column) < max_length: column.extend(['' for _ in range(max_length - len(column)) ]) # check, which metric fields differ if remove_redundant_indices and (len(columns) > 1): for index, column in enumerate(columns[:-1]): for sec_column in columns[index+1:]: for idx, names in enumerate(zip(column, sec_column)): if names[0] != names[1] and idx not in row_idx: row_idx.append(idx) row_idx.sort() new_columns = [] for column in columns: new_columns.append([ column[idx] for idx in row_idx]) else: new_columns = columns DataFrame.columns = MultiIndex.from_tuples(new_columns) DataFrame.sort_index(axis=1, inplace=True)
if __name__ == "__main__": print(__doc__)